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Since 2001, Evangelical Church of PS 23 has been a place for members of the Norwich Community to come together and worship as part of a strong, loving community with like-minded congregants. We’re always happy to see you and warmly welcome visitors.

About Evangelical Church of PS 23

Faithful Living

Evangelical Church of PS 23 stands as a beacon of faith in Norwich CT. We are a place of prayer, worship, peace, and joy to all who join us. Although we are a church mainly that serves the Haitian community, we encourage everyone to strongly visit us and participate on our church activities such as youth services, bible studies, food pantry, etc.… Our community is richly diverse, with people of different ages and backgrounds coming together to worship and serve together. We welcome all individuals seeking God’s love and our doors are open to every soul seeking to welcome Jesus into their heart.


Our Mission, Our Vision, Our Calling

Our mission at Evangelical Church of PS 23 is to be compassionate, inclusive, and walk with Jesus. Through gospel, service, worship, and missions, we bring God closer to our hearts and closer to the hearts of those around us. As a fellowship of believers, we have the honor of proclaiming the glory of Christ to one another in a loving and caring setting. 
In addition to that, the mission of the Evangelical Church of PS 23 is to spread the gospel in the community and the world, as the Lord Jesus Christ commands. It is the primary mission of the church to find lost souls and bring them to the light. The church's mission is to educate and train believers or followers of Christ in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Holy Scriptures. This education will be done through proper Christian teaching. The church will educate its members in family education, Christian ethics, and provide support to Norwich's community by assisting those in need, and collaborate with other Haitian churches. Finally, it is the mission of the church to maintain missionary activities in the United States, Haiti, and everywhere else.

What we believe in

For the safer protection and security of the tenets of our faith, and that this body may be governed in an orderly manner consistent with the Word of God, and for the purpose of preserving the inherent rights of each individual member who is a part of the church Evangelical Church PS 23. Church is the freedom of action of this body in its relationship with other like-minded churches, we declare and create this Constitution and its bylaws.

Our faith is fully rested:

I. We believe in the triune God, who is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jn 5:1

II. We believe in the supremacy of Jesus Christ our divine Saviour.

III. We believe in his message of love, this love which today is strong and which will always be stronger than anything. Jn 13:34-35

IV. We believe in marriage between a man and a woman, according to Gen 2:18, Mat 19:5-6

V. Baptism by immersion and the supper under the species of bread and wine as ordinances of the Lord. Mat 28:19 & 1 Cor 11:24-26 

VI. We believe in the supremacy of the scriptures and their sufficiency in matters of faith and conduct.

VII. We believe in the unity of all believers in the invisible church. 2 Pe 4:6




It is the sadness one feels for one's sins and the pain of having offended God. The five steps are

a) Conviction of sin

b) confession

c) Abandonment of evil

d) Complete submission to God

e) Perseverance in a constant attitude of repentance” (Mk 1:5, Luke 13:3, Acts 3:19, 2 Cor 7:10)


Regeneration: Change wrought by the Holy Spirit in the believer which communicates to him the new birth. Through it, the moral and spiritual being is transformed. (Tit. 3:5, 1 Phil 1:23, Ep :22, 24, Jn 5:24)


This is the act by which God declares the believing sinner to have become righteous before him at the cross of Christ. (Rom 5:2, Tit 3:7, Gal 2:16)


It is a spiritual birth obtained after regeneration by virtue of which the believer participates in the divine nature. (Jn 3:5, 2 Pet 1:3,9, 1 Jn 3:9, 2 Cor 5:17)


The work of the Holy Spirit in the believer to purify him and separate him from evil so that he may be pleasing to the Lord (Rom 5:2, 1 Cor 1:30, 1 Thess 4:3, Heb 13:12, Jn17:17)


Holiness: It is the essential quality of God, necessarily that of his children. It prompts the believer to worship and praise God. (1Thess 4:7; 1Pe 1:14,15)


A commandment of the Lord imposed on every repentant sinner in order to confess his faith in Jesus Christ. In this context, baptism is synonymous with immersion (immersing in water) in the name of the father of the son and of the Holy Spirit. (Mat 28:19, Mk 1:9,10, Jn 3:23, 23, Act 8:36, 38)


A clothing of power for the service of the master. It is a gift from God as well as a promise made to all believers. (Act 1:8, 2:38, 8:17-24, 10:44-46, 19:1-7)


This is the initial sign of Holy Spirit baptism that the Spirit gives expression (Act 2:4, 10:44-46, 19:6)


These are supernatural qualifications granted to believers in order to serve God in the church which is his body. (1Co12:1-7-10-23-31, Ep 4:11, Ro 12:8, 1Co14:1)


Signs that will Accompany Believers: They will cast out demons, they will speak new tongues, they will lay hands on the sick, and the sick will be healed (Mk 16:17-20, Ro15:18)


Fruit of the Spirit: Results of the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers, or evidences of regenerated life. (Gal 5:22; Rom 6:22; Ep 5:9; Phil 1:11)


It is the healing of a physical or moral evil obtained by faith in Jesus Christ. (Ps 103:3, Esd  53:4,5, Mat 8:17, Jam 5:14 -16, 1 Ft 2:24)


Instituted by him to commemorate his death on the cross.

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